Thursday, July 3, 2014

Top 10 Mario Games

Let's include all Mario games except Smash Bros, as that's more of a crossover game.

10. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Yoshi's Island. They call this Super Mario World 2, but it's a prequel more than anything else. And while it's certainly a good game, Mario crying is enough to make anyone scream.

9. New Super Mario Bros.

The game that started it all, but with improved graphics, Yoshis, and multiplayer. Certainly worth it, and has lots of replay value. Whether you want to make it through or sabotage your friends, it's got something for everybody.

8. Super Mario World

Hailed by many as the greatest Mario game, I can see the merits they give it. An excellent sidescroller, this is the best game of its time that has since been outdone by later games. Nostalgia might make others love it more, but it's clearly got superiors now.

7. Mario Kart Wii

Although the wheel add-on it comes with doesn't help all that much, Mario Kart Wii is an excellent game. Great tracks, roster, and karts/motorcycles all make this the best Kart since Double Dash. And speaking of...

6. Mario Kart: Double Dash

The best Mario Kart game to date, the two-man Kart was an excellent mechanic that I would like to see return one day. Probably won't, but who knows? Anyway, great game and good mechanics.

5. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Galaxy 2 is an amazing game that has the misfortune of coming after another amazing game. I prefer the larger and more expansive world of the original, and while the sequel does it justice, it loses a bit of the magic on the way.

4. Super Mario Sunshine

Sunshine is sort of the Wind Waker of the Mario franchise: panned at its release and loved now that it's aged. Fludd made for some interesting mechanics. There's no denying this game's originality, and while it's not the best game, it was certainly fun.

3. Super Mario 64

The first 3-D Mario game remains one of the best. Giant levels and huge amounts of content and replay value make this an excellent game. It's also very difficult to play all the way through, with 120 stars to collect and all. If you haven't played this, you've missed out on a classic.

2. Super Mario Galaxy
The first Mario Galaxy game is still the best one. Reminiscent of the lands of Super Mario 64, this game adds more fun with gravity and an epic story line to boot. It's Nintendo's best-selling franchise at its greatest, with amazing level design and great mechanics. You'll be hard-pressed to find another game that equals this one.

1. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Perhaps the most unconventional title on this list, it's also one of the best. Paper Mario is a peculiar RPG-style game that puts Mario on an epic quest to open the Thousand-Year Door and defeat anyone in his way while collecting Crystal Stars. I've never personally beaten the last boss before. It's WAY too difficult. Anyway, while this game diverges from the standard Mario style game, it's also a great one.

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