Monday, June 2, 2014

Worst to Best Seasons of Doctor Who

While all the seasons of Doctor Who have their charms, there are a few that have significantly fewer charms than others, or significantly less charming charms than others.

7. Season 7
Apologies, season 7. It was just so...meh. It's odd; the early seasons of Doctor Who were often polarizing in quality. They had truly great episodes and truly bad episodes. The later seasons are less extreme on both counts. Thankfully, season 7 set up The Day of the Doctor, but that's it's saving grace. The only other good things are The Angels Take Manhattan and The Snowmen. I'm being bold, I suppose, but accurate.

6. Season 6
Yes, yes, I get it. While I enjoyed a few parts of this season--The Doctor's Wife and Let's Kill Hitler come to mind--it had far too few good episodes and far too many okay episodes. Steven Moffat's writing, while clever, is really getting a bit old in this season. I think that it needs to be shaped up a bit. Perhaps it's the writing, perhaps it's the Doctor, perhaps it's Amy's just getting more stuck up than ever. I don't know. It's just a bit weaker than the previous season.

5. Season 3
Ah, Season 3. Home to Martha Jones, Daleks in Manhattan, and Gridlock. Such a shame. However, this series had its good parts too. The Shakespeare Code, Blink, and the Master were plenty of things to keep us entertained. While this series had its moments, the bad sort of overpowers the good here, as there is much more bad than good.

4. Season 4

Ah. This season has one of the most astounding characteristics of any of them: it has no truly bad episodes. There are a few okay episodes--Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library--but mostly good episodes make this a solid series. And although Donna can be screechy and annoying at times, I don't think I can watch any other series without skipping at least two episodes except for this one.

3. Season 5
I don't really dislike Matt Smith and Steven Moffat; it's just that they just don't quite match up to the glory left by Russell T Davies. This season had several enjoyable bits; in fact, the only really bad part was Victory of the Daleks. I loved the finale and some other parts, and it's also much better than its following seasons, but it still isn't the best of Doctor Who.

2. Season 1
Ah, Season 1. Home to my first Doctor, I loved this season for Rose, The End of the World, Dalek, Father's Day, The Empty Child, and Bad Wolf. While there were several downs of this series--The Long Game and the Slitheen are examples--the good far outweighs the bad here. Christopher Eccleston wasn't here long, but he did was quality. Most of it, anyway.

1. Season 2
Oh yes. Season 2. While home to the two worst episodes of Doctor Who ever--The Idiot's Lantern and Fear Her--the rest of the series is so great that everything they ruined was righted. Every other episode of Series 2 is on my top 30 list. Anyway, from Tooth and Claw to The Girl in the Fireplace to Rise of the Cybermen to The Satan Pit to Doomsday, this series rocks Doctor Who completely. Also, it sports my favorite Doctor and companion, which doesn't hurt.

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