Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Top 10 Worst Zelda Bosses

10. Morpheel (Twilight Princess)

Oh, Morpheel. While you were a giant, exciting boss, you were little more than a Morpha knockoff in phase 1 and you don't even attack in phase 2. It's a pretty fun boss fight, but not a great one.

9. Gyorg (Majora's Mask)

Gyorg. Along with having an insane difficulty (not to mention the temple that comes before it), Gyorg suffers from being one of the worst bosses in existence. He's just a big fish that vomits smaller fish. Lame.

8. Jalhalla (Wind Waker)

Jalhalla is my least favorite boss from Wind Waker. It's really just annoying. I mean, it's just a giant Poe. (Big Green ChuChu, anyone?) Anyway, it's not the worst boss fight ever, but there's nothing special about it.

7. Moldorm (A Link to the Past)

Did I say Jalhalla was annoying? That pales in comparison to the annoyance that is Moldorm. Moldorm isn't hard to kill. Just hard to hit. Also, getting knocked off the boss stage to restart the fight over and over is a pain.

6. Morpha (Ocarina of Time)

What is it with Water Temples? Terrible boss usually follows a terrible temple, I guess. Anyway, Morpha is much like Morpheel. Not very exciting or difficult. It's just kind of there.

5. Bilocyte (Skyward Sword)

Hardly a boss battle at all, this guy doesn't even get a temple. Just the back of the Wind Fish. He's not even difficult when you get to that part, but the flying portion is just annoying. Hardly a boss worth mentioning at all.

4. Diabolical Cubus Sisters (Phantom Hourglass)

Okay, first of all, how about the most annoying companions in-game until Fi? Secondly, they sabotage you all over the Ghost Ship. Thirdly, they turn into an annoying tennis boss quartet. Blech.

3. The Imprisoned (Skyward Sword)

The first time you fight the Imprisoned, it's kind of cool. Sorta. Not really. By the third time, it's just old news. No thanks, I'd rather replace my Wii Remote batteries than fight this guy again.

2. Odolwa (Majora's Mask)

Okay. This boss somehow manages to be annoying, stupid, and forgettable all at the same time. I mean, it's the first boss battle, but it's still reasonably hard. He's a giant tiki man. Dumb. And also, I barely remember the boss fight at all.

1. Angler Fish (Link's Awakening)

That's right, the worst boss is named Angler Fish. Really? Even Odolwa is a better name than Angler Fish. Also, he dies in five or six hits. If that's not enough for you, I don't know what is.

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