Thursday, January 24, 2013

Top 10 Best Zelda Bosses

10. Goht (Majora's Mask)

All of Majora's Mask's bosses are weird as heck. Fortunately, Goht's boss battle manages to be interesting and memorable enough to forgive the fact that he's a robotic laser-shooting goat/goht? (Why is there an H?)

9. Gohma (Wind Waker)

Gohma has had several incarnations over the years, but none are as memorable or fun as the Wind Waker version. It's not a difficult boss battle (granted, most of Wind Waker's aren't), but it's pretty exhilarating to destroy a lava scorpion.

8. Gleeok (Phantom Hourglass)
Gleeok earns this spot for being a two-headed fire/ice breathing dragon. Also, the mechanics of the fight are fun and interesting. Also, two-headed fire/ice breathing dragon.

7. Molgera (Wind Waker)

Molgera is an excellent boss battle. It's probably the most difficult one from Wind Waker and it has just enough difficulty to be challenging and still fun. Also, that theme music is awesome.

6. Volvagia (Ocarina of Time)

Okay, if fighting a flying, fire breathing dragon in a volcano by destroying it with a legendary hammer isn't an awesome boss battle to you, what is?

5. Ganondorf (Wind Waker)
This battle earns its spot not because of its difficulty, but because of the incredible setting and stakes that you feel while doing it. It feels crazy and amazing with the ocean pouring down. Also, the following cutscene is brilliant.

4. Argorok (Twilight Princess)

If you guys couldn't already tell I like dragons, you know now. This boss battle is the inverse of its dungeon: the dungeon is atrocious but the battle is huge payoff. Anyway, using Spider-Man clawshots to swing from plant to plant and stabbing a dragon in the back? Awesome.

3. Koloktos (Skyward Sword)
Skyward Sword doesn't have very many great boss battles, but it makes up for it with this one right here. You get to use his own sword to demolish this boss right here. Most fun I've had in a boss battle in a long time. Also, Golden Robot George Washington? Anyone? Anyone?

2. Stallord (Twilight Princess)

Stallord is an incredibly awesome boss battle. The spinner makes this battle a total blast. You get to fight this dude by destroying his spine and engaging his floating head in a high speed chase. Incredibly fun and awesome, not to mention memorable.

1. Ganon (Ocarina of Time)

What else could be number one? No boss battle feels as epic, dangerous, earned, or memorable as the final battle with Ganon at the end of Ocarina of Time. It really feels like the fate of the world is at stake here, and fighting a giant, two-sword-wielding monster known only as Ganon makes it so amazingly great.

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