Thursday, May 29, 2014

Top 30 Carlisms

Okay, this post is more of an inside joke than anything. Disregard this if you don't know my friend Carl.

Honorable Mention: It's like a fern in the wind!

30. The red pen of death.
29. Gilligan the dog!
28. I'm feeling the fear!
27. Devious!
26. Much joy.
25. The triumphant return of Aidan.
24. It's a Christmas miracle! 
23. Oh flamber!
22. Tumultuous. 
21. Joyous Zhongwen.
20. There's troubles in the land!
19. You're horribly askew!
18. Nibson. 
17. Prestonian Puppies!
16. Stop it, Seoun!
15. Any and all Sound Effects
14. Chocolat Kuchen
13. Good luck in there.
12. The death blow!
11. Take business!
10. Oh the humanity!
9. Fruit is my nemesis!
8. It's my White Whale!
7. Don't clutch the gummy!
6. I feel the need!
5. Dual Wield!
4. There he is, on the prowl!
3. It's kind of lower medium.
2. Any and all nicknames (Cahson Mueller, Barnaby, Goby, Pueblos Picos, Ninos, etc.)
1. Dooh!

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