Sunday, February 22, 2015

My Top 10 Favorite Video Games

A while back I posted a list of the 30 best video games of all time, and while that is very much influenced by my opinions and favorites, it doesn't quite line up with my favorite video games ever. So here we'll be looking at my top 10 favorite video games (but you probably already guessed that from the title).

Disclaimer: Only one game per franchise is allowed on this list barring spin-offs, otherwise it would be all Zelda and Pokemon games, with two or three exceptions.

Honorable Mentions: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Sonic Adventure, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Most Zelda/Pokemon games.

10. Super Mario Galaxy

I know that lots of people like lots of different Mario games (particularly the platformers), but I've never really been super crazy about them--that is, until Super Mario Galaxy came out. It quickly became one of my favorite video games due to its great level design and fun mechanics. I see this as the perfect culmination of Mario games, and I enjoy it quite a bit.

9. Batman: Arkham City

Arkham City isn't just one of the greatest superhero games of all time. It's one of the greatest video games of all time, and I love playing. You get to be Batman, and everything you loved about Arkham Asylum is back and better than ever. This is one of the greatest sequels in the world because it took the first game, gave it new mechanics, and made the scope huge. The story is no slouch either, and it's one of the most satisfying games I've ever played.

8, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Now, I know that I said Galaxy was my favorite Mario game, and while it is my favorite conventional Mario game, this one edges it out by the slightest bit. The Thousand-Year Door is one of the greatest RPG's ever made. This Mario spin-off is wacky, colorful, and fun, and anybody who gives it a try is sure to enjoy it.

7. World of Warcraft

While it's dropped a little in recent years, there's no denying how massive World of Warcraft was at its peak. It's one of the most successful MMORPG's for plenty of reasons, but if you've played it, you don't really need an explanation. It's an epic, high fantasy game, and it's tons of fun.

6. Age of Mythology

Perhaps Age of Mythology is so criminally unknown because of its more famous cousin, Age of Empires. While that game is more realistic, I find this one to be far more entertaining and interesting. Keeping all of the real time strategy tactics from its predecessors, it adds god powers, myth units, and an actual giant, enthralling campaign. This game is definitely worth the purchase, and it has tons of replay value. Give it a chance if you haven't.

5. Sonic Heroes

I know that Sonic games have gone down in quality quite a bit recently, but this was the last truly great 3D Sonic game before the downfall. While I think Sonic Adventure is a slightly better game, Sonic Heroes is colorful, fast, and has plenty of interesting levels and characters to keep you interested. It can get monotonous at times, but the game is such a blast to play that you probably won't notice.

4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Alright, alright, I get it. I know that Brawl is looked on as the least competitive Smash Bros. game. I know that Melee and Smash 4 are more competitive and fun. I know that a lot of people didn't like the Subspace Emissary and the physics changes and Meta Knight. But you know what? At the end of the day, I'm not playing to win. I'm playing to have fun. And Brawl, with its random items, wacky stages, enthralling single-player, and all-around casual playability, is the most fun Smash game in my opinion. Smash 4 is probably better, but I have so many fun memories with Brawl that it's still my favorite.

3. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Remember how I said I liked The Thousand-Year Door more than most standard Mario games? That's pretty similar in this case: I love Explorers of Sky more than most other Pokemon games (with a few exceptions). This dungeon crawler is one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had. It has tons of replay value, fun mechanics, and the best plot in a video game that I've ever seen. No, it doesn't get much better than this if you're looking for an epic, heartwarming, and most importantly, fun, experience.

2. Pokemon Emerald Version

I've said it before, I'll say it again: Pokemon Emerald Version is probably my favorite game ever. I played this game when it first came out, and I loved every single thing about it. I loved the graphics, the music, the Pokemon, the plot, the legendary face-off, the post-game content. I spent hours and hours on this game. I collected over 375 of the available 386 Pokemon. I beat all the contests, had a blast with the Battle Frontier, trained my legendaries to level 100. I've never had more experiences, memories, and fun than with Pokemon Emerald Version. However, though it's the hardest decision I've ever had to make, I have to give the top spot to one more game.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Yes, while I love Emerald and everything about it, I have to say that my absolute favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It really is just that good. There's no denying its power. It's influenced every game that came after it and it's almost certainly the greatest video game ever made. And while I had tons of fun with the other games on this list, none of them have the epic feel, the perfection, the satisfaction, and the fun that comes from playing Ocarina of Time.