Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Top 10 Final Smashes

One of the best parts of Super Smash Bros. Brawl was definitely the final smashes. Here are the top 10:

10. Giga Bowser (Bowser)
Giga Bowser is definitely one of the coolest final smashes. Bowser turns into the giant end boss of Melee? What more could you want? It's a great game changer and it's really an awesome transformation.

9. Mario Finale (Mario)
While not the most powerful or difficult to avoid, Mario Finale is an interesting Final Smash and it's more useful than some. It also looks very cool and can be devastating if you're caught in it off guard.

8. Critical Hit (Marth)
Marth's final smash, while difficult to aim, is almost always a one-hit KO. The awesome and speedy charge to the enemy followed by the full health bar dropping to zero is a great representation of Fire Emblem that shows that it's good that Marth debuted in Smash Bros.

7. Aura Storm (Lucario)
Aura Storm isn't terribly difficult to avoid, but if you're caught in its path, you're almost certainly dead. Also, it's one of the coolest looking Final Smashes. There's something awesome about shooting giant energy beams at your opponents.

6. Blue Falcon (Captain Falcon)
Another difficult to aim but powerful final smash, this one is mostly here for the visual. It's really fun to watch Captain Falcon mow down his enemies with the Blue Falcon.

5. Zero Laser (Samus)
The Zero Laser would be even higher on this list if it didn't knock Samus's Power Armor off. The laser is just that strong, and woe unto any who are caught in its deadly path.

4. PK Starstorm (Ness/Lucas)

This Final Smash is here not because of how devastating it is (although it can be very destructive), but because of the wow factor. Watch as meteors rain down on you and knock you off the screen. 'Nuff said.

3. Great Aether (Ike)
Great Aether is an amazing Final Smash because it's relatively easy to aim and extremely powerful and looks awesome. Ike beats his enemies senseless with his fiery sword before launching them and anyone else caught in his path far, far away.

2. Triforce Slash (Link/Toon Link)
This Final Smash is incredibly awesome because of its power, but also because of the great visual that comes with it. Link's enemy is rendered helpless inside the Triforce while he slices them up with the Blade of Evil's Bane. Awesome.

1. Super Sonic (Sonic)
Yes, it's overpowered and yes, it's cliche. But you know what? Nothing's as incredibly powerful or as awesome as Sonic becoming Super Sonic and running into his opponents at a high speed. Along with the practical use of getting two or three KO's in a battle, the sight of Sonic instantly grabbing all the Chaos Emeralds is a sight to behold, and it makes destroying the competition all the more gratifying.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Top 15 Super Smash Bros. Stages

Honorable Mention: PictoChat

15. Yoshi's Island

14. Brinstar

13. Battlefield

12. Green Hill Zone

11. Big Blue

10. Delfino Plaza

9. Castle Siege

8. Pirate Ship

7. Bridge of Eldin

6. Mute City

5. Pokemon Stadium 2

4. Spear Pillar

3. Temple

2. Corneria

1. Final Destination